Bug facebook

Platform Bug Reports – Meta for Developers – Facebook

Platform Bug Reports – Meta for Developers

Track current support requests and report any issues using the Facebook Platform Bug Report tool.

How can I report a bug? | Meta Business Help Center

Tap More. · Scroll to the bottom and tap Help and Support. · Tap Report a Problem > Something Isn’t Working. · Select the Facebook product you’re having a problem …

Report a Bug | Facebook Help Center

Anmeldelse af en fejl | Hjælp til Facebook

1. Tap in the top right of Facebook. ; 2. Scroll to the bottom and select Report a Problem. ; 3. Select the Facebook product you’re having a problem with. ; 4.

Bug Bounty Program – Facebook

Oplysninger om Meta Bug Bounty-programmet

Facebook · Info · Thanks · Hacker Plus Program · Integrity Safeguards · Education · Payout Guidelines · Data Abuse Bounty Program · Report Vulnerability Form …

Meta Bug Bounty Program Info – Facebook

Oplysninger om Meta Bug Bounty-programmet

To be eligible for a bounty, you can report a security bug in one or more of the following Meta technologies and programs: Facebook; Messenger; Instagram …

Latest News, Photos, Videos on Facebook Bug – NDTV.COM

Facebook Bug: Latest News, Photos, Videos on Facebook Bug – NDTV.COM

Facebook’s head of safety said on Tuesday a bug was responsible for posts on topics including coronavirus being erroneously marked as spam, prompting widespread …

Find Facebook Bug Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Facebook Bug and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Explore more on Facebook Bug.

Tekniker-fejl og bug i software-program fik Facebook og …

Tekniker-fejl og bug i software-program fik Facebook og Instagram til at gå i sort: Massive sikkerheds-foranstaltninger i datacentre forsinkede genstart – Computerworld

6. okt. 2021 — Det var en menneskelig fejl samt en bug på et uheldigt sted i netværket, der mandag aften fik Facebook, Instagram og WhatsApp til at gå ned …

Det var en menneskelig fejl samt en bug på et uheldigt sted i netværket, der mandag aften fik Facebook, Instagram og WhatsApp til at gå ned i seks timer langt nedbrud. Se hele Facebooks gennemgang af det store nedbrud.

Here’s a list of trending bugs on Facebook – TechGig.com

Here’s a list of trending bugs on Facebook · 1.Marketing SDK crashing for OS 7+ on Android · 2. og:image ignored in the share_open_graph call · 3. Invalid scopes: …

Facebook aktuelle fejl og problemer – Downdetector

Facebook aktuelle fejl og problemer | Downdetector

Facebook er et onlinebaseret socialt netværk, og hjemmesiden er den mest besøgte af sin slags på hele World Wide Web.

Oversigt over fejl og problemer med Facebook . Service funger ikke korrekt? Her kan du se, hvad der foregår.

How can I report a bug on Facebook? – Quora

How to report a bug on Facebook – Quora

Facebook has report a problem option in the drop down box next to the lock (privacy shortcuts menu) . Use it to report a problem or bug to facebook.

Keywords: bug facebook